So I thought I'd give an update on my ICS journey, both for those who are interested about my gap year plans and those who may come across this post if you're searching for more info about ICS in general.
The application process was extremely quick and straightforward, you have to fill in a bit about yourself and why you want to be a part of the project, which for me was so easy to write due to the many, many reasons why it's such a great scheme. They basically are just looking for you to be able to demonstrate that you've got some interest in helping others, and the easiest way to do this is to write about any volunteering experience or fundraising experience you may have, such as from school or in your extracurricular activities. I think it's safe to say everyone gets involved with fundraising for some sort of cause in school, from cake sales to fancy dress days.
Also at this initial application stage you can state a preference for the charity you would want to work with. You could do this based on the work that they do, or if you're looking to go somewhere in particular, as the different charities opperate in different areas, from the Phillipines to West Africa. I personally didn't have a preference for the place, I just would rather not work for a Christian/religious-based charity for personal reasons.
So I heard back within a week from this initial stage, inviting me to an assessment day with International Service, which is a charity working with disabled and disadvantaged individuals in 4 countries: Burkina Faso, Bolivia, Palestine, and Ghana. The email stated that the day would be from 10:30am to 5pm, and would include a group activity and an individual interview.
Because I booked my assessment day so far in advance, I kind of put it to the back of my mind until about a week before. I'd never done any kind of interview or assessment day before so I didn't know what to expect, but what I did know was that I'd have to get to York by 10:30am from Canterbury!
While I was on the train I wrote a bit of a journal for this blog:
06:25- On train from Canterbury to STP. Having woken up energised at 5:15am, I quickly gathered my things together that I had prepared the night before, and left for the train station. Normally I love being awake before 6am, seeing all the business owners preparing shops for the day and feeling part of a secret society. Canterbury is different though, it's already pretty busy at this time.
I buy my ticket which seems to have doubled in price since last time I got this train a few months ago, and go to do my makeup in the warm ladies loos..!
As there was no time for breakfast I'm hoping there will be food at coffee at International Service!
I'm feeling nervous but excited to meet the organisation, and hopefully convince them to take me abroad. I'm told the day will consist of a small group exercise and an interview with two members of staff. As I normally go bright red and forget everything I'm meant to say when I talk to people one-to-one, I'm nervous about this part but I know they just want to give me the opportunity and they're not trying to make me fail.
Since International Service works in 4 countries, given the choice my first instinct would be Bolivia, as South America is somewhere I have recently become fascinated with. Plus the Spanish language will help me with my plans for Mexico. Speaking of which, I hope I can fit in both ICS and Outreach International programmes. ICS requires an 'Action at Home' element that I'm hoping won't prevent me from travelling further.
I have prepared some information to summarise ICS and International Service so I can come across well at interview. I hope there aren't any of those clever people that know everything about international relations and development and have already volunteered for years at super relevant institutions! They would definitely make me look bad...
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